“It is only when we are no longer fearful that we begin to create.”
― J. M. W. Turner

Creating art has deepened my connection to my intuition, and therefore my connection to spirit.

I have felt the call to paint for many years now. I had gone to a couple paint parties back in 2014 (the ones where you all paint the same thing while enjoying drinks with your friends or family), and it was solidified. I really wanted to paint… but I was really terrified. I had no background knowledge, and so how would I even know the rules? What if I messed it up? What would I even paint?!??

Many years passed me by, and then in 2020 when we all went into lockdown, I finally gave myself permission to paint.

Who cares if I failed?!? So what if I didn’t know what I was doing…I just knew I (still) really wanted to do it!! So I decided to pick up a basic set of paints, pull out some old canvas panels I bought years before and never used (I told you I was shook!), and fucking GO FOR IT!!!!!

Painting quickly became a ritual. I found myself doing it almost daily, and soon found myself less afraid, more playful, and really really happy. I took a couple online workshops that year, and by early 2021 I had really found my flow. I noticed a connection between my spiritual practice and my painting practice. When I would sit and paint, I realized what had set me free from the beginning was to surrender to the process and let my intuition guide me. Each color, each mark… all chose on instinct. If I was “thinking” too much, I would consciously re-center and come back to my breath and the moment. It was like my meditation. In early 2021, I started to merge my psychic mediumship readings with my art. I pondered what would appear on the canvas if I were to really step out of the way and channel with a very specific intention. First came the Full Moon in Libra painting (of my Moonphases series), and then I experimented further by giving away a handful of Art Readings to willing recipients. Each piece was so distinctly unique, and each came with a different energy and different messages for the person I had intended it for. (and so the Art Reading was born!)

This painting journey for me has only just begun. I look forward to all that lies ahead, and all that has yet to be discovered!

  • Moonphases

    A series of paintings channeled for each Full and New Moon. This series starts with the Full Moon in Libra on 3/28/21, and concludes with the Full Moon in Libra on 4/16/22

  • In Flow

    These paintings were created from a space when I just felt the urge to paint. These feel more personal to me, as they are impressions I have left on the canvas, vs. channeling from source for a specific purpose or outcome.

I'm always with you.

“I’m always with you” 2022

“Untitled” 2022

Element of Earth

“Element of Earth” 2021

The Magician

“The Magician” 2021

I also love to paint interior spaces!

  • Staircase details

    I have always adored spanish tiles, and love the way they look on stair risers. I took on this hand stenciled project in the early days of quarantine in 2020 when I had lots of time to get creative around the house ;-)

  • Entryway

    This bold hand painted design was inspired by something I saw on Pinterest one day. It was yet another project that came to life while spending too much time at home!

  • Accent walls

    These hand painted accent walls were so much fun to create for Twilight Hair Salon!!!

  • Fun door mural

    The door to the break room at Clementine Hair Studio got a fun & psychedelic upgrade!